Beautiful Smiles



Comparison of teeth pre and post whitening

The bleaching process known as Zoom has been seeing increasing use throughout the United States by dentists looking to brighten the dentin and enamel of their patients. Discoloration of teeth can happen due to health concerns, but also from lifestyle choices include smoking, red wine, cola, coffee, and tea. Staining can be the result of the aging process. 

What is the Basis of Zoom! Bleaching’s Process?

25% hydrogen peroxide is used as the main driver behind the whitening process. The Zoom Advanced Power Chairside Lamp was explicitly developed to enhance the effectiveness of this process. The hydrogen peroxide breaks down on the teeth, causing oxygen to enter the dentin and enamel to bleach away stains while preserving the structure of the tooth.

How Is Zoom! Bleaching Prepared For? Do I Need a Consultation?

Prior to receiving Zoom! Bleaching, you will undergo a standard comprehensive examination by your dentist. This process will involve questions about your lifestyle and oral hygiene habits, as well as check on the health of your gums and teeth. If you are determined to be suitable for the process, the dentist will begin discussing the next steps.

It’s possible that your dentist may suggest or require a whitening process if you’re going to be taking advantage of other cosmetic procedures. Composite bonding and veneers have been shown to produce better results following a whitening, for instance. Braces removal and new restorative dentistry can also be cause for whitening. 

As part of your evaluation, your existing dental work will be noted, especially those that will not respond to whitenings such as veneers and crowns.

Women being treated with the special light for Zoom! Bleaching

How Is Zoom! Bleaching Performed?

Prior to going through the bleaching process, it is typical for your dentist to perform a standard professional cleaning. Once this procedure has been finished, you will be prepared for the next step by covering your gums and lips while leaving your teeth exposed. The dental team will then apply the whitening gel that is intrinsic to the Zoom! Process and reacts to the Zoom light to produce the whitening effect. After spending 15 minutes under the effect of the Zoom! Light, the gel will be replaced, and the process started again. After three iterations, your whitening process will be complete. If you experience anxiety or have a strong gag reflex, it may be difficult for you to complete the procedure. After the procedure is finished, you’ll have a gel applied to your teeth that will help reduce sensitivity.

How Do I Maintain My Zoom! Bleaching Afterwards?

Patients will be sent home with a touch-up kit that allows them to maintain their new beautiful white smile. It is vital that you listen to the guidance of your dentist when utilizing this kit. You may be advised to avoid particular food and beverage choices or to limit your consumption of them. This is common where cola, red wine, tea, and coffee is concerned.

Tobacco is well-known for its ability to stain your teeth, even when your teeth have undergone whitening. You will be advised to quit smoking and maintain oral hygiene to reduce the chance that the stains will return. You should also ensure you keep up a regular routine of visiting your dentist for cleanings.

What Considerations Are There For Getting Zoom! Bleaching?

Some patients may experience some sensitivity while being treated. The light used during the procedure produces a low amount of heat that can cause this discomfort. In some cases, patients will experience minor tingling in the wake of the process, but this always fades away. Anti-sensitivity toothpaste may be appropriate to help ease sensitivity.

Children under 13 are not recommended to use this whitening product, nor women who are lactating or pregnant. Whitening products effectiveness may vary from patient to patient. Your dentist is the only one who can determine if any particular process is appropriate for you following an oral examination.

How Much Does Zoom! Bleaching Cost?

The whitening process, as well as the trays you take home after the procedure, starts at an average of $500. It is uncommon for cosmetic treatments to be included in the cost of dental insurance, so this price will be unaffected by any plans you carry.  Call today to learn how Zoom! Bleaching can help brighten your smile in just one visit.